viernes, 6 de diciembre de 2013

A Game I Played As A Child

Hello blogheads, how are you? I guess you are happy because today is Friday! The best day in the week! Well, today I am going to talk about a game I played when I was a child.

I remember I played a lot of  games as a child, games that kids today do not play, like tombo, las naciones,  el luche, la pinta and others. I have also played basketball and handball all my life but those are sports rather than a game, so, today I am going to talk about “las naciones”.

Whem I was a child I loved to play las naciones, I played it with my friends in my neighborhood, and in the school too, but I prefered to play it in my neighborhood. I remember I was seven or eight years when I played this game or maybe a little less, the truth is I do not remember very well that, anyway… I played every week for years, until I moved house and never saw those children again.

I ejoyed this game because it was funny, and you had to run in all directions for you do not to die burned.

Uff… I do not remember when was the last time I played this game, it was maybe when I was thirteen years or a little less… I do not know! I miss the games like this, because children today play with things technological and not with them friends on the street as above.

Well, I hope you have a nice weekend and see you next class! Bye!