jueves, 17 de octubre de 2013

Special meal

Hello classmates, today I am going to talk about a special meal. Let me remember, because I do not remember right now which has been the most special meal. However, I'll tell you about a special meal, I do not know if it's the most special, but also was special.
I remember a meal with my friends from my previous college, when we went to Pucon on a school trip. The day we arrived, at night, the teacher prepared a roast. That night we  had a great time because long ago we were not all together in such an occasion. In fact, we did not celebrate anything special, it was just a fellow roast, but it was very funny. Today, I remember this occasion because it was a nice experience, and I miss my friends, because we have not joined long time.
Let me find a picture ... Here I have one! Here appear some friends when we went to the disco after the roast… It was funny, because we were ones who went to that disco and fill between us. (This is not the best photo, but is the only I have) I remember it was a great night!

Well classmates, see you the next class! I hope you have a great day! 

3 comentarios:

  1. I think when I was in the school don´t value a little details that share with classmates.. and with time, we remember this and miss it.
    Well I think this every so often xd
    See you :)

  2. Hi Camila, I love roasts and with friends are wonderful moments :D

    see you :)

  3. Hello Cami !
    The roasts and shared with your friands ir the best of the life !! I remember my school trip and was very funny !
