martes, 4 de junio de 2013

The best holiday!

Hello classmates! Today, I am going to talk about the best holiday I ever had. Well, this holiday is not the best, but I was really fun.
In 2009 I travelled to Pucón with my friends from my previous university.  We had fun a lot because that holiday was the first time we stayed together.
We stay there for a few days, because we ran out of money. Also we had to come back, because we travelled there  a couple of days before entry to class.
We stayed in a beautiful cabins called “Quiño-Lafquén”. 
We visited a lot of places! We visited the center of Pucon, many craft fairs, and a lake that I do not remember its name, but it was beautiful. Of all the places we visited, the one I liked was the Natural Sanctuary Cañi… this place is perfect!
The Cañi is a small protected reserve. The main attractions are the majestic Araucarias and numerous small alpine lakes. As I went in winter, the whole place was snowed so it was all even more beautiful! That day, we walked and walked about 6 or 7 hours, because we had not a good physical condition…  despite that, it was the highlight of the trip.
And well, in other momento I talk about more of this travel..


PS: That is not the date!

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi Camila! How are you?
    The last holiday I went to Pucón, Villarrica and Lican Ray! All is green, amazing!
    See you :)

  2. Hello Camila :D this place is very beautiful, but the only bad thing it is very cold all the year :( regards!
