lunes, 29 de abril de 2013

My best friends

Hello blogheads!
Today I am going to talk about two friends. The persons I am going to tell you about are Maribel and Fernanda. They are my best friends and we met on the school. I met Fernanda since 2000 and Maribel since 2004, since then, we have never separated. We were 11 years in that time. 

I like them because, they are like me, we like the same things and we go to the same places. Before we left the school, we went to every place together, but now I see them less, because all of us go to the university and rarely we can meet. But the friendship always is there.

Maribel is craziest than Fernanda. Fernanda is quiet. I and Maribel have the same likes in music, so we always went to concerts together. I and Fernanda always went to the cinema and sometime Maribel went with us. But, when we did anything other thing, we were side by side.

In holiday’s 2007 we travelled to Puerto Mont together. I think that summer was one of the best. We visited many places and we could know us a little more.
This year, we are planning to do a travel together again and go to Machu Picchu, because all of us want to know this place. Everyone say is a beautiful place! I hope we can do this trip.

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