viernes, 6 de diciembre de 2013

A Game I Played As A Child

Hello blogheads, how are you? I guess you are happy because today is Friday! The best day in the week! Well, today I am going to talk about a game I played when I was a child.

I remember I played a lot of  games as a child, games that kids today do not play, like tombo, las naciones,  el luche, la pinta and others. I have also played basketball and handball all my life but those are sports rather than a game, so, today I am going to talk about “las naciones”.

Whem I was a child I loved to play las naciones, I played it with my friends in my neighborhood, and in the school too, but I prefered to play it in my neighborhood. I remember I was seven or eight years when I played this game or maybe a little less, the truth is I do not remember very well that, anyway… I played every week for years, until I moved house and never saw those children again.

I ejoyed this game because it was funny, and you had to run in all directions for you do not to die burned.

Uff… I do not remember when was the last time I played this game, it was maybe when I was thirteen years or a little less… I do not know! I miss the games like this, because children today play with things technological and not with them friends on the street as above.

Well, I hope you have a nice weekend and see you next class! Bye!

viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013

A Job I Would Like to Have

Hello classmates! How are you? I hope you are fine! Today I am happy, because is Friday at last! Downside is the next week I am going to present a lot of thing in the university… However, today I am going to talk about a job I would like to have.  As a matter of fact, I do not know what job I would like to have, but I always liked to be astronaut and work in the NASA. I do not know why, but since I was a child I dreamed with to travel to space and work there.
The qualities you need to this job is study a lot subjects  like mathematics, meteorology, astronomy, physics and to acquire knowledge of computers and study space navigation. Also you need to perform hard physical training, and other things. Really, I do not know if I could to be a good astronaut, but I would put my entire endeavor to be the best!
My inspiration was Laika. She was a soviet space dog who became one of the first animals in space, and the first animal to orbit the Earth, but she never come back and she died in space. I thing her story is sad, but her experience showed that it’s possible for a body support gravity conditions, paving the way for human space flight participation and providing scientists with some of the first data on how living organisms react to spaceflight environments.
Well classmates, I hope you have a nice weekend and I see you next Friday!

viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013

A Walk I Would Like to Do Again

Hello bloggheads! Today, I am going to talk about a walk I would like to do again.
Well, I do not remember in this momento a really good walk, but comes to my mind a walk I did with my boyfriend in the last summer when we went to the beach.

The last summer I went to Quintero, that is not a beautiful beach, but that was the first time we traveled alone. That was very funny because we did not know anything and even we had money. So we walk and walk a lot searching where to stay there, but when we did not find a place where to sleep, we arrived a fusty house… that was better than nothing.

In the next day, we continue walking and searching for a better place, but we did not found nothing, so we surrender and we preferred to go to the beach, after all, the house was not as stale. During the following days, we walk a lot searching new adventures. I remember those were the best days of the holidays, and I would like to repeat that journey because we do not go out long time. I hope this summer we can have a good journey like that, but for now, I gather money for to go a place less stale.
Well mates, I hope you have a nice weekend and I hope you can rest! See you next class!

viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

The future

Hello classmates! How are you? I hope you are fine! Today I am going to write about the future. When I was a child, I wanted to be astronaut, firewoman and veterinary surgeon, but never crossed my mind to finish studing geography. So, in ten years, I will be doing a lot of things, but like a geographer.
Well, I think I will live in a ranch in the north or south of Chile, because I do not want to live in Santiago. I would like to live in contact with the nature If is posible, I would like to live in Norway, but for now, I will live in Chile. I would like to share my life with a partner. I do not know yet, if I want to have children or if I want to adopt a children, anyway, in ten years I would like to have a family very large, about four of five childrens and a lot of pets.

I hope to travel around the word and to know every place in the earth. Also, I want to have a lot money to help the abandoned animals and old people.
I would like to see a lot of changes in the world like the end of animal abuse, end of abandoned old people and a world much greener. I think this is possible if we change our conscience and we are more human.

Well, I hope you have a nice weekend and see you the next class!

viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013

This is Lily, my pet *

Hello classmates! How are you today? I feel so happy because today is friday!
Today, I am going to talk about a pet, my favourite animal in the world... that is the dog. I have always had pets, since I was 6 or 7 years old. I've always liked animals, when I was a child, with my mom recuperated and took care of different dogs, and then we gave them to a new family.
I have seven dogs and I love all them! I had other two dogs, but they died the last year, one of them died of distemper and the other died of kidney cancer. Also I have two fishes, but today I am going to talk about “Lily”, my little baby and my oldest dog. 
When I found her in the Street in august 2001, I was 11 years old. That day she was very skinny and bushy.  Lily has been with me for about 12 years now.  I love her like a son. She is old, blind and she has very grumpy, very very grumpy. Lily loves sleep all the day in my bed and every night she go out to play with her ball in the square.
In this photo she looks like a raccoon!
Well, I hope you enjoy your weekend and see you next week! Bye!

jueves, 17 de octubre de 2013

Special meal

Hello classmates, today I am going to talk about a special meal. Let me remember, because I do not remember right now which has been the most special meal. However, I'll tell you about a special meal, I do not know if it's the most special, but also was special.
I remember a meal with my friends from my previous college, when we went to Pucon on a school trip. The day we arrived, at night, the teacher prepared a roast. That night we  had a great time because long ago we were not all together in such an occasion. In fact, we did not celebrate anything special, it was just a fellow roast, but it was very funny. Today, I remember this occasion because it was a nice experience, and I miss my friends, because we have not joined long time.
Let me find a picture ... Here I have one! Here appear some friends when we went to the disco after the roast… It was funny, because we were ones who went to that disco and fill between us. (This is not the best photo, but is the only I have) I remember it was a great night!

Well classmates, see you the next class! I hope you have a great day! 

viernes, 4 de octubre de 2013

Todos Los Santos Lake

Hello classmates! How are you? The day’s topic is a beach or lake I have visited. I do not like much the beach, so today I am going to talk about a lake I have visited the last year, well, I visited this lake every year in the summer, when I visited to my family in the south.
This lake is Todos Los Santos Lake, this lake is located in the Los Lagos Region of southern Chile, 96 km northeast of the regional capital Puerto Montt. It is a beautiful lake. It is also known as Emerald Lake due to the emerald color of its water. This is a wonderful place!
I visited this place the last year with my sister and cousin. We paid a tour, and this tour carried us to many places, one of them is this lake.
There, we took a boat and we travelled around this lake. The view is so different from the lake, because you can see the volcano in its majesty.
Well, I already knew this lake because I always travel there, but my cousin not, so with my sister decided to go there again for my cousin knows this beautiful place… And she was so excited!
That was a really good trip, I recommend you visited this amazing lake because it is a wonder!


viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013

Learn to play the accodion

Hello blogheads! Today I am going to talk about something I would like to learn to do.
I wouId like to learn to do a lot of things, like to learn to dance tango, to play horseback riding and do karate , but I think what I would like more to learn is to play the accordion and piano, but I prefer the accordion.
I want to learn this instruments because I really like the sound that produce, specifically the accordion. Since I was a child, I liked this sound, but I never tried to learn to play it. I think, I would take to learn to play it a lot of time, because, for me, it is the hardest instrument to learn. I believe difficulties I would face in trying to learn to play accordion is I have to use both hands, and coordinate my hand is the most difficult.
For to learn to play this instrument, I think I only need the accordion and very much patience, very very  much! But, I think if I take the decision to learn to play this isntrument, I think I can get it, but for now, I don’t have time nor money to buy the accordion.
Well, I hope you have a nice weekend and see you the next class!

viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2013


Hello blogheads! Today, I begin to write in this blog again, and I hope you like my news post. In this day, the topic is Free Topic Post. Is very difficult for me choose a topic, because there are a lot of possible topics, but today  I am going to talk about “TODAY”.
 Today is a friday day. It is a cold day and maybe  could rain, but that is not an impediment for to enjoy the day, in fact be a better day! Today as well as there is a football game where plays Chile versus Venezuela, so today will  be a perfect day if Chile win.
Today, after university I am going to the cinema with my boyfriend to watch The Conjuring, because many people had said that this movie is a really great terror movie.
After that, we are going to watch the football game in a bar or maybe in my house with my family and we could buy something delicious. But, for the moment I don not know what  we do.
Whatever the case may be, I really hope that today will be an amazing day, because, it is all to make it happen.   
Well, I hope you enjoy this day! See you!


lunes, 22 de julio de 2013

English Blog Experience

Today, I am going to write about my blog experience this semester. This will be my last posting in this blog. I think that this experience was funny and creative, because I learned more with differents techniques, and it did more funny the class. Also I learned more words and now, I think that I can write better.
My favourite post was “A Journey”, because I love Puerto Montt city, and I obviously wrote about my last journey to there. My least favourite post was “Technology”, because I don’t like technology very much and I did not know what to write in that publication. Anyway, I liked to write about a gift from my parents.
I think that all of us had things to narrate, so I cannot to choose one favourite blog. I enjoyed all of my classmates blogs, because all of us relate differents things with diverse ways.  I think the blog was a good language learning tool, because it is a differently way to learn english and more funny. Besides, its helped me to learn words, write better and to know the life of my classmates.

Well, I hope you enjoyed my blog and, maybe, someday I going to  write again! See you!

lunes, 8 de julio de 2013

The Wild Thornberrys

Hello bloggheads! Today I am going to talk about a TV show that I watched and enjoyed when I was a child. This TV show is “The Wild Thornberrys”.

The Wild Thornberrys is a cartoon that narrate the family’s adventures which travel around the world with the objective of record documentary about nature. The family’s members are Nigel and Marianne Thornberry, their daughters Deborah and Eliza, a wild child called Donnie and a chimpanzee named Darwin. The narrator is Nigel and the camarewoman is Marianne. The adventures revolve around Eliza who has capacity to speak with animals.

The first time that I watched this TV program was in 1999, when I was 9 years old and I saw in Nickelodeon chanel, and after I saw this episode I I never lost any more chapter. I was delighted with the plot.

 Then, in 2002 was released the movie called “The Wild Thornberrys Movie” and in 2003 was released “Rugrats Go Wild”, this last film was a crossover between Rugrats and The Wild Thornberrys.

I enjoyed this TV show because I have always loved to animals, so I imagined me like Eliza and I dreamed her adventures like if they were mine. Also I wanted to be like Eliza and can to speak with my pets.

jueves, 4 de julio de 2013

"No Matter What"

Hello  classmates! Today I am going to talk you about a beautiful song, this song is “No Matter What” from Papa Roach. "No Matter What" is the third single from the album Time For Annihilation, released by Papa Roach, in June 2011.
I love this group and this is my favourite song of them, because this song reminds me my boyfriend and I know he remember me with it. I do not remember when was the first time when I heard it, but when I heard it, immediately I loved it.
The song's video was directed by Jesse Davey. It shows that group members act as armed robbers and start a shootout with police in the desert. There is also another video was filmed for the acoustic version, which shows to  the band in tuxedos playing at a party, when two children start dancing, and then become elderly.

In the following link you can hear this song and read the spanish subtitles for you can understand it . Hope you like it!

jueves, 20 de junio de 2013

Parque O'Higgins

Hello  classmates! Today I am going to talk about a place in Santiago that I really like it, this place is Parque O’Higgins. 
Parque O’Higgins is located in the center of the city, in Santiago Center. This park is next to two subway station: Parque O’Higgins Station and Rondizzoni Station. 

When I go there, I like to walk through the trees and to find a place where I can lie in grass. Whenever I go, I go with my boyfriend, so sometimes we do a picnic. We really enjoy to do that, but we don’t go in Winter like now, because the grass is wet and it is very cold, but when begin warm days we often go to there. 

I like this park because is beautiful and quiet, also Saturday and Sunday  people go there and sell things on a small impromptu show. As well it has two gaps and you can navigate it.

The last time I went there was in May with my boyfriend. That day we enjoyed a lot because long time that we were not going.

martes, 11 de junio de 2013

Der kleine Vampir

Hi bloggers! Today I am going to talk about a book that I really like it. This book is Der kleine Vampir from the German author Angela Sommer-Bodenburg. There are many good books, but I chose this because when I was 11 years old I read it in the school and I enjoyed it a lot. I could never forget it, so when I was 13 years old I read it again. I do not like to read much, but this book would read it again and again, although it is a children's book.
The book is about the friendship between a human boy called Anton and a vampire boy called Rüdiger Von Schlotterstein.
Anton lives haunting adventures among vampires, accompanied by Rüdiger. One of the difficulties that they face is to try to prevent Anton's parents discover that Rüdiger is a  vampire.
Anton gets to know more and more Rüdiger’s family members, as the little sister Anna and his brother Lumpi. He also lives exciting night flights with his friend's layer, and soon becomes familiar with the problems that they faced vampires like garlic, having to make the move to a coffin or suffer persecution Geiermeier vampire hunter.
I enjoyed this book,  because I could imagine them adventures and in that time I really would love to be Anton. This book made me to dreams with other world, a world where the vampires exist.

jueves, 6 de junio de 2013

Matthew Gray Gubler

Hi classmates! Today, I am going to talk about a person that I like to meet.
I would like to meet many persons, for example to Matt Tuck singer from Bullet from my Valentine; David Villa footballer  from Barcelona and Jacoby Shaddix singer from Papa Roach, but the person I most like to meet is an actor who is called Matthew Gray Gubler. He is an American actor, film director and cartoonist. He is known for his role as Dr. Spencer Reid in the television serie “Criminal Minds”. I love this guy, because he is very good actor for me and gives me the impression that in real life is similar to how he is in the serie.  I think it would be great to meet him! Maybe someday I meet him, I hope that! I met him in Criminal Minds, and now I do not lose any episode.
If I meet with him, I would like to talk hours and hours about the serie and I like very much that he draw me anything, and maybe to participe in a episode of Criminal Minds... WOW that would be great!

martes, 4 de junio de 2013

The best holiday!

Hello classmates! Today, I am going to talk about the best holiday I ever had. Well, this holiday is not the best, but I was really fun.
In 2009 I travelled to Pucón with my friends from my previous university.  We had fun a lot because that holiday was the first time we stayed together.
We stay there for a few days, because we ran out of money. Also we had to come back, because we travelled there  a couple of days before entry to class.
We stayed in a beautiful cabins called “Quiño-Lafquén”. 
We visited a lot of places! We visited the center of Pucon, many craft fairs, and a lake that I do not remember its name, but it was beautiful. Of all the places we visited, the one I liked was the Natural Sanctuary Cañi… this place is perfect!
The Cañi is a small protected reserve. The main attractions are the majestic Araucarias and numerous small alpine lakes. As I went in winter, the whole place was snowed so it was all even more beautiful! That day, we walked and walked about 6 or 7 hours, because we had not a good physical condition…  despite that, it was the highlight of the trip.
And well, in other momento I talk about more of this travel..


PS: That is not the date!

lunes, 20 de mayo de 2013

Royal Botanic Gardens

Hello classmates! 

Today, I am going to tell you about an one place in London that I really liked, this place is Royal Botanic Gardens.  The Kew Gardens is 10 miles from central London and adjacent to the river Thames. You can go there by bus, train, car and by London Underground. If you go there by London Underground, you must get off in Kew Gardens Station, because is the closest station. This station is 400 metres from the Victoria Gate entrance to the Gardens. The entry cost £16.00 and price includes £1.50 voluntary Gift Aid donation. Children 16 and under must be accompanied by an adult and they enter free. You can buy the ticket at the gates and online.
In Kew London Gardens you can enjoy the seasons and explore glasshouses. Also you can climb to the treetops and you can delve into rainforest. 
You will like to visit this place because is a beautiful garden and there you going to learn a little more about this historic and famous garden...the world's most famous garden!

For more information visit:

lunes, 6 de mayo de 2013

A perfect baptism

Hi blogheads, how are you? Today I am going to talk about a one special celebration for me. I am going to tell you about a baptism I went in this summer when I travelled to Puerto Montt. I know ALWAYS I talk about Puerto Montt! However, in January I went to there with my family and we celebrated my cousin’s baptism. That it was a great day, because my entire mother’s family was gathered. My sister, my cousin and I prepared the party after the mass and it was perfect! In the south people don’t dance reggaeton or cumbia, there the people dance ranchera. This was new for me because I had never danced ranchera! But that was funny. All the night I danced and drank terremoto., but not much! The best for me of that celebration was my family was gathered and we pass an amazing moment.
The next day I had to return to Santiago because now my father going to go there and I had to take care my dogs.  I hope that when I come back there the next holidays, we will celebrate something again because I see once time in the year to them and we have little time for enjoy together.  
Sorry, but in this moment I don't have any picture that day
See you soon! :)

lunes, 29 de abril de 2013

My best friends

Hello blogheads!
Today I am going to talk about two friends. The persons I am going to tell you about are Maribel and Fernanda. They are my best friends and we met on the school. I met Fernanda since 2000 and Maribel since 2004, since then, we have never separated. We were 11 years in that time. 

I like them because, they are like me, we like the same things and we go to the same places. Before we left the school, we went to every place together, but now I see them less, because all of us go to the university and rarely we can meet. But the friendship always is there.

Maribel is craziest than Fernanda. Fernanda is quiet. I and Maribel have the same likes in music, so we always went to concerts together. I and Fernanda always went to the cinema and sometime Maribel went with us. But, when we did anything other thing, we were side by side.

In holiday’s 2007 we travelled to Puerto Mont together. I think that summer was one of the best. We visited many places and we could know us a little more.
This year, we are planning to do a travel together again and go to Machu Picchu, because all of us want to know this place. Everyone say is a beautiful place! I hope we can do this trip.

lunes, 22 de abril de 2013

La Sebastiana, Valparaiso

Hi blogheads, today I am going to talk about a building I like. I am going to talk about La Sebastiana. This a beautiful museum located in Valparaiso City, in Florida hill. La Sebastiana was one house of the famous chilean poet  Pablo Neruda. He had three houses, La chascona situated in Santiago, one house in Isla Negra and La Sebastiana. I like his three houses, but this is the house that I really like. I like it because it’s a wonderful building and it has a nice view of Valparaiso’s port. The house has interesting thing, like objects and pictures. It has many collections too. There converge colors and diferent forms. 

It is used like a museum administered by Fundacion Neruda. It keeps many memories of his life as a poet. The first time that I saw was  when I travel to Valparaiso when I was 15 years old.  This museum is an importan icon for the people’s port  and a par excellence tourist center.

This house blends in with the surronding architecture, because all the port is magic. Every hill is special, either one has a particular color and a particular structure. And finally, if you travel to Valparaiso, I recommend you visit it, because you will learn the real life of this poet. 

La Sebastiana

View to the port from La Sebastiana

lunes, 15 de abril de 2013

My favourite photograph

Hi everybody !  Today I'm going to write about a photograph I took. I’d like to show you a photograph that I took that I really like. I took it in my house, maybe one year ago. This photograph shows to my four dogs, but I have seven dogs in total. They are Vicente, Lily, Perlita and Toñita. In the photo, they are in the sofa where they spend most time, clearly, not all of them are sitting there at the same time or we could not sit there.
I like this photograph because is almost impossible to take a photo where they look at to the camera. In fact, this is the only photograph that I have of them. They are so restless and rebellious and for that I can't take photos in group. When I will be able to take a photo of all my dogs together, I'll be happy.

lunes, 8 de abril de 2013

Green Day Concert

Hi friends! Today, I’m going to write about when I went to a concert. I had not gone to many concerts, but I had seen to Eths, Otep, Green Day and Ill Niño the last year. In this occasion I’m going to tell you when I went to Green Day in October 26, 2010. This was one of the best concerts beside Summit of Chilean Rock. This was in the Bicentenary Stadium and I went with a friend. That day played first BBS, therefore Attaque 77 and then Green Day. They played about 3 hours. It was amazing.  I enjoyed because they played all the classic songs and a few of new songs. Well, I wanted to listen to the old songs and I was very happy with that.
Attaque 77 was amazing too! They played about one hour, but they played the best songs too. My favorites songs of this band are Chance and Arrancacorazones.  

lunes, 1 de abril de 2013

My last journey

Hello everybody! Today, I'm going to talk about when I made a journey to Puerto Montt. I love that place! Every year, I travel there with my family. Sometimes I travel with my friends, but in the last holidays I travelled with my sister, my mother and my cousin.
My mother’s family live there, and we go to lodge in my grandmother’s house.
We travelled in bus all the night and we arrived there in the morning of the next day. It was a Saturday day.

Puerto Montt
That evening, we saw to our family until the night, but the next day we went to visit the city. And the next days we did different things, like to go to Tenglo Island, to visit Angelmo and Chiloe.  But the best place for me is Petrohue.
Puerto Montt
One day, my cousin, my sister and I took a trip to Petrohue and we visited Ensenada, Saltos de Petrohue, Todos Los Santos Lake, Loreley Island and Laguna Verde. In all that places we took a boat and we sailed for the lakes and lagoons. It was amazing and we had  a lot of fun!
 Todos Los Santos Lake
 Santos de Petrohue
 Loreley Island
I love Puerto Montt because there live my family, and once time in the year I can see them. And obviously it’s a wonderful place.


lunes, 25 de marzo de 2013

My favourite piece of technology

 I don’t like technology very much, but nowadays my favourite piece of technology is my notebook. My mother bought it for me earlier this month and I love it, although it’s very technological for me. I don’t know how to use it very well, but I will learn someday. I use it for everything, like for doing my homework, to listen to music, watch videos and play a lot of games. I like it because it has everything I need for now in particular I use it for the university. In these days, I don't have much time to dedicate to my hobbies, but when I have time I want to watch a movie. I watch movies in Crackle because it’s a very good page and I never have any problem with it.  I think today I’m going to watch something, because I want to be relaxed.
And this is my favourite piece of technology!

viernes, 22 de marzo de 2013

This is me!

Hi everybody, my name is Camila Belen, I'm 22 years old, I live with my family in Santiago, and at the moment I'm studying Geography at the  Universidad de Chile.
I like to listen to music, watching series like Criminal Minds and CSI, go to the cinema and parks with my boyfriend and meet with my friends. Also, I like to travel and to eat ice cream and chocolate.
In the future, I want to travel around the world, because I want to know the different cultures in the world, and maybe I could to live in Norway.